Friday, August 13, 2010

Ho hum...pig's bum...

Hello Faithful Readers (of which there are many, many, many...not.)

Not much to report today.  Missy Moo and I had a great day trolling around Columbia, MD with our good buddies, The Squids.  If you haven't already checked out Katie's blog, I highly recommend it!  It is called, "The Squid's Accomplice" and touches on gardening, sewing, crafting, and parenting when one's spouse is deployed.  

Katie's special passion is clothe diapering and I am proud to say that she is going to be a representative for Diaperparties soon! Yay Katie! If I had (or ever have) a small butt that needs clothe diapering, I plan to come bang on your door!

We hit up JoAnn's and our children were angels - well, when you put it all into perspective. We a) hadn't fed them lunch, b) dragged them through the aisles (sometimes the same aisle two or three times), and c) were in there for nearly 2 hours. Yep - they were angels. Go team!

After that, we had a leisurely and semi-disappointing lunch at La Madeleine (big frown there - next time, we're gonna' get Indian food!) and went to two of my other favorite shops in Columbia: Daedalus and Greenberries.

Daedalus is an amazing, bargain warehouse full of wonderfulness: BOOKS! BOOKS at CHEAP prices! Anytime the words "books" and "cheap" are combined there is sure to be an amazing amount of amazingness. If you're in the triangle of Annapolis, Baltimore, and D.C. then you are close to this mecca of books and should take a trip on over. Here's their website: Daedalus Books.

Our final stop for the afternoon was Greenberries. Again, if you're located somewhere within the triangle, I highly recommend you mosey on over. Greenberries is a primarily a secondhand children's clothing store that also has stuff for clothe diapering, maternity clothing, books, bags, school supplies, general coolness. Something I really love (but have yet to try out) are the classes they offer on Babywearing and Clothe Diapering. They're also toying around with the idea of offering Baby Sign Language and offering breastfeeding support. Give them a looksie: Greenberries.

In other news, we seem to have inadvertently semi-adopted a cat. I'm calling it, "Dewey," because I seem to recall a children's book with a similar looking cat of the same name.

Missy Moo couldn't stand the idea that the poor ickle kiddy cat would be left outside in the rainstorm last night, so, pushover that I am, I said it was okay for the cat to sleep inside so long as it stayed in the kennel.

Well, that wretched stinker kept me up all night with it's mewing. Ugh. No good deed goes unpunished I guess. Anyways, when I finally couldn't take it anymore at 6 a.m., I got up and put Dewey outside.

Later on when Daddy-Man got home, I took him outside to see Dewey and HE LET DEWEY IN! Ugh! Did I mention I'm allergic to cats? Well, I am. Ugh. Thank God for Zyrtec and Flonase and all those wonderful products of modern chemistry!

I finally managed to chase Dewey out from under my bed and get him/her (how do you tell a cat's gender by the by?) outside so we could go to Columbia.

It's a good thing Dewey is a nice kitty that tolerates all of Missy Moo's tugs and sporadic games of chase. However, I think I'll be happier when I find his/her owner and all can be right with my world again. I'm just glad it's not raining tonight so Dewey can sleep outside and I can finally sleep. Goodnight.

P.S. I'm not sure why there are great big huge spaces between my blurbs and strangely cut off words, but I can only hope this doesn't happen in future posts.

1 comment:

  1. I love the shameless plug! Thanks! We had alot of fun on our outing. I know we'll do it again soon.
    P.S. I am so very pro-Indian food!
