Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life According to Missy: How to become a boy

Hey All.

So, I was busy last night making some turkey hairbows for Missy and her friends like these:

I'm really loving them.  I got the inspiration and (really rough) instructions here on Agape Love Designs.  I'll try and do a tute on these later this week so you can have more precise instructions and measurements.

Missy likes hers a lot, as you can see:

Well, you can't really see how much she likes it.  Just take my word for it.

Anyways, back to the story.  I was working on those hairbows last night and kind of let Missy have the run of the living room.  I'd turned on a show for her, got her a glass of milk, and provided her with some grapes.  After about half an hour of pure crafting bliss (i.e.: no interruptions from Missy), I decided to go check on her.  Here's what I found:

She'd taken that red bottle of leave in conditioner, that's only meant for the tips of your hair, and used it to plaster all of her hair to her head.  She smilingly informed me that, "I've got BOY HAIR NOW!!!"  I guess I should be grateful that getting "BOY HAIR" didn't involve scissors.